Living Well

Want to start your journey towards living well? Here you’ll find a whole host of information on how to give your wellbeing a serious boost.

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Working in Partnership

When we work together, anything’s possible.

Here at East Ayrshire Health and Social Care Partnership, we’re honoured to be working with local organisations and communities, all of whom give their very best to make East Ayrshire a happier, healthier place.

We’ve already achieved so much through working with our partners and can’t wait to see what the future has in store as we continue to thrive together.

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Spirit of Scotland monument

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Colourful graphic showing a person using a megaphone and another in a wheelchair using a megaphone

Share your views in our Carers Strategy Consultation


Calling all carers! Are you an unpaid carer living in East Ayrshire? Do you care about carers?  Take part in […]

Person sitting alone on bench at beach front in winter

Losing a loved one can bring more than grief


East Ayrshire Council has published a new online resource to help you find the support you need during a period […]

Michael Byers with his Alan Nabarro medal

Planning and Performance Officer proves diabetes is no barrier to a full life


Congratulations to Planning and Performance Officer, Michael Byers, who was recently awarded the Alan Nabarro medal to celebrate 50 years […]

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