Best Value Review of Older People’s Day Services
Tell us what you think!
As part of a planned schedule of best value service reviews, we have commenced a review of the service to:
Gain a full understanding of the current and future demand for services
Explore all opportunities to widen choice and maximise achievement of outcomes available to service users and their carers
Ensuring that all resources within the service are optimised to deliver a sustainable, high quality service to meet current and future needs.
Your opinions matter!
At present we are seeking broad views from attendees, carers and partner organisations on the service.
We would welcome five minutes of your time to complete our online surveys:
Complete the online survey for partner organisations
Complete the online survey for attendees’ carers and relatives
If you would like to receive more information about, or wish to be further involved in the Best Value Review of Older Person’s Day Services in East Ayrshire, please email us.