New faces! Welcoming Jo Gibson and Lorna McIlreavy
We’re delighted to welcome two new faces to East Ayrshire Health and Social Care Partnership!
Jo Gibson, Head of Wellbeing and Recovery, and Lorna McIlreavy, Partnership Engagement Officer, recently joined our team. We hope you’ll wish them a very warm welcome and look out for their faces to say hello!

Lorna McIlreavy, Partnership Engagement Officer
Hi, I’m Lorna McIlreavy, Partnership Engagement Officer.
We’ve not missed the crazy traffic in the past two years, but we all know that feeling when our energy is focused on our own individual goal and that causes jams and clashes with others. When we take a mutual approach and work in partnership with people, users and carers, we hopefully can overcome those roadblocks. The geese take turns in leading and work together to get where they’re going.
When I’m not talking about geese, my role is to support that partnership working and meaningful engagement with our communities. Since I started in January I’ve been meeting with staff and local third sector organisations to gain an understanding of engagement activities in the HSCP. I’ve been so impressed by how positive and keen everyone is!
My key areas of focus are engagement in our governance structures and any service redesign, along with supporting our routine and regular engagement. I hope to do this through not just my own capacity but building capacity in teams, and linking with our partners in the third sector, so do get in touch if you’d like to discuss this more.

Jo Gibson, Head of Wellbeing and Recovery
Hello everyone. I’m delighted to be here in East Ayrshire and feel privileged to be in post as Head of Wellbeing and Recovery. I look forward to meeting you all as I get settled in.
Since arriving in February I have met so many inspiring and committed people, all focused on improving outcomes for the people of East Ayrshire, and beyond. These include colleagues in the HSCP and across the Council and Health Board, but also across a range of third sector organisations, community groups and individual community activists.
I’m struck by the depth of understanding and compassion in these people, of the causes and impact of trauma and inequality, which I feel passionate about working to reduce. Why should the cards we are dealt, usually before we are four or five years old, mean that our life chances are already set?
I look forward to working with you to build on the masses of effort already underway, and to help the people of East Ayrshire each reach their unique, brilliant potential.
I’m not suggesting this will be easy.
The pandemic has changed all of us. For many, mental and physical health may have deteriorated, and there is much to do to recover from this. In addition, the recent invasion of Ukraine, and the huge increases in costs for fuel, food and other basics, has brought added anxiety and challenges for many. For these reasons I look forward to playing my part in ensuring that we are swift, caring and empowering.
Aside from my role, I am mum to three children and wife to Stefan. I also live with a couple of long term conditions so, like most of us, I try to ensure I have a little ‘me time’ too. A good movie, book, a night out with friends, or a bit of time with the many pets we have amassed, all make up my personal wellbeing plan. I hope you have your own plan too.