Foster Care Fortnight 2022
‘Fostering Communities’ is the theme of this year’s Foster Care Fortnight which takes place from 9-22 May.
The campaign aims to shine a light on the many ways in which people across the fostering community support each other.
Here’s the story of one of East Ayrshire’s foster carers who explains what fostering means to her:
“My husband and I have been foster carers with East Ayrshire Council for five years. From the minute our first child arrived through the door, I knew we had made the right decision. Giving a child safety and love, when they need it most, is the most rewarding thing in the world. Seeing them flourish, relax and laugh is amazing.
“There are so many benefits and challenges that come with fostering, but the main benefits are the tiny things, like seeing a child’s face when they smile, or learn a new skill – it makes everything worthwhile.
“We have made many new friends throughout our journey, and have a good support network of other foster carers. Our supervising social worker is there to support and guide us whenever we need it. She is always available should we need any questions answered, and is very approachable.
“There is no end to the training available, both online and in groups, which helps us in our role as foster parents, giving us the confidence and knowledge we need.
“I couldn’t imagine doing anything else.”
East Ayrshire Council is particularly looking for foster carers who can look after older children and larger sibling groups. If you’d like to find out more, call 0800 434 6633, visit www.fosteringandadoption.org.uk or text ‘info’ to 80039.