Ayrshire Independent Living Network secures funding for befriending service
Ayrshire Independent Living Network (AILN) has secured funding to provide an Ayrshire-wide dementia befriending service for the next three years.
Made possible by the National Lottery Community Fund, this service aims to provide a few hours of support, either weekly or fortnightly, to someone living with early stage dementia. It will also provide respite for unpaid carers.
With the help of a Dementia Befriending Coordinator, volunteer befrienders will be matched up with people referred to the service, according to the interest and needs of each individual.
AILN told us more about the service and how you can get involved:
“A befriender’s role may involve accompanying a person to go out into the community, to attend an activity or social group for example, but they may also provide support to them over the phone or through a video call. It all depends on the person’s needs and preferences, and service users are very much in control and consulted on how their befriender can best support them.
We will be recruiting volunteers from all over Ayrshire and full training will be provided.”

For more information on the Dementia Befriending Service, or on becoming a volunteer befriender, contact 07771 746 604 or email Sharon Mcleod.