Play Day stall asks what matters to children and young people
During the recent Play Day event at Kilmarnock’s Kay Park, EAHSCP hosted an information stall, where children and young people were invited to share the things that matter to them.

Organised by the Partnership Engagement Officer and supported by the Promise Participation Team, Adult and Young Carers Co-ordinator and Health Visiting Team, the stall continued our ‘What Matters To You?’ Day campaign by getting children and young people involved.
Partnership Engagement Officer, Lorna McIlreavy, told us more:
“Children and young people were asked to complete a gingerbread person or an outcome star telling us what was important to them”
In return for this they received a goody bag which contained a number of pieces of information including our Wellbeing Directory and Care opinion details.
If the grown up with the young person completed a contact slip, they were entered into our fruit basket competition, which the best picture would receive. This slip also had a tick box asking if they wished to receive the HSCP newsletter and find out how to get involved and have their say on our services.”

45 children and young people wrote down the things that matter most to them in life. As shown in the word cloud below, the top answers were family, friends and pets:

We also asked parents what healthy means to them, to which the top answers were mental health, exercise, happiness and healthy food:

Lorna said that the findings from the day provided a valuable insight into what East Ayrshire children, young people and families really care about:

“The importance of family, friends and pets is clear. Along with access to outside space, food, and a range of hobbies and activities.
For next year’s Play Day we feel the HSCP could have a bigger presence, with more of the services and supports available on hand, furthering the opportunity to listen to children, young people and families.”
Thanks to everyone who came along to our EAHSCP stall and said hello!