Older men enjoying an exercise class with CHAT

CHAT events promote wellbeing in East Ayrshire


Our Community Health Activity Team (CHAT) was recently involved in a number of events to promote the wellbeing of people in East Ayrshire.

Read on for an update on their most recent activities…

On Wednesday 21 September, EAHSCP partners were invited to the Kay Park Church to hear about changes to the CHAT service, including the change of name from CHIP (Community Health Improvement Partnership).

During this event, CHAT staff spoke about how to share service information most efficiently and presented a short film on what the service can deliver.

Click the image to the right to view the film.

Later in September, the team held coffee mornings across all CHAT classes in aid of Macmillan Cancer Support. The generosity of class participants helped raise £517.36 for the charity, which was greatly appreciated.

In other news, CHAT team Health Improvement Officer, Ally Owen, went to Cumnock to deliver Walk Leader Training to representatives of the Corra Foundation.

Despite the wet and windy weather everyone was in good spirits and raring to go.

Group member Alan also discovered that a bin liner is a great way of staying dry in the rain!

If you would like more information about the CHAT service, or are interested in becoming a Walk Volunteer, please contact CHAT via email or on 01563 578124.