Concert raises funds for Alzheimer Scotland
To highlight Dementia Awareness Week (Monday 29 May – Sunday 4 June) Kilmarnock Dementia Resource Centre invited music lovers to ‘Music at the Park’ – a musical extravaganza to raise funds for Alzheimer Scotland.
The evening featured music from Scott Barrie, Coast Harmony, Borland Ceilidh Band, True Colours, Sean Gray and Musichoir, and was held together by fantastic MC, Jonny Griffen.

Dementia Advisor, Sheena Boyd, was delighted with the event’s success:
“The music extravaganza raised an outstanding £5014.35, which was the icing on the cake to the Dementia Awareness Week which runs each year.
Huge thanks to all the fabulous bands who gave up their free time to make the event such a success.
I personally would also like to thank the volunteers and staff from Alzheimer Scotland East Ayrshire and give special recognition to John Gray, who planned and organised this outstanding event.”
Well done to all involved!