Care Experienced Cabinet meets at Dick Institute
Our Care Experienced Cabinet (formerly the ‘Pizza and Coke’ forum) recently held a meeting at the Dick Institute, Kilmarnock – its first time meeting at the venue.
Chaired by Councillor Claire Leitch, the cabinet aims to provide a space for care-experienced young people to share their views and concerns on a variety of themes and to agree actions on how to overcome them.
Eight young people attended the meeting on Thursday 1 June to discuss topics on the theme of ‘Feeling Safe and Being Safe’. The agenda also covered the cost of living crisis, support for mental health and wellbeing, ways of improving community activities and helping young people live independent lives.

Promise Participation Lead, Eòghann MacColl, was delighted at the meeting’s success:
“It was a really busy and vibrant meeting. Thirty people attended, including eight care-experienced young people who led broad and challenging discussions. Actions were agreed and will go forward to the pre-meeting with Councillor Leitch and then onto the next meeting where necessary.
Next time, we will be looking at the theme of ‘Standing on my own two feet’, thinking together about what the young people in our care need to thrive as they move into adulthood. We want all of our young people to have their say on this and we need your help!
Since the meeting, young people have said to us that they hope council officials and partners (such as Police Scotland and elected members) hear their ideas and that actions will follow their words.
Please encourage any young people you support to come along to the Care Experienced Cabinet meetings.”

A pre-meeting with Councillor Claire Leitch will take place on Monday 14 August, with the next cabinet meeting scheduled for Thursday 7 September.
The Promise Team can provide support for young people to attend but also welcomes input from those who don’t wish to attend but still want to share their views.
Please contact Eòghann MacColl for more information.