Introducing…Councillor Douglas Reid
Each month you can learn more about the people behind East Ayrshire Health and Social Care Partnership and its Integration Joint Board (IJB).
Find out what staff and board members enjoy most about their role and how they spend their spare time!
This month we’re ‘Introducing’…
Councillor Douglas Reid, IJB Member
Councillor Reid joined our Integration Joint Board when it began in 2015. Here he tells us about his involvement in the board and why he thinks it’s such an important forum for prioritising health and wellbeing the East Ayrshire community…

Hi all,
I am Councillor Douglas Reid and have been an elected member of East Ayrshire Council since 1995. I currently represent the Kilmarnock West and Crosshouse ward and have been Leader of East Ayrshire Council since 2007.
I have three children and live in Kilmarnock, having previously worked in housing and served as a COSLA spokesperson.
I have been a member of the Integration Joint Board since it was introduced and have an interest as a member of the Ayrshire and Arran Health Board.
One of the main objectives of being an IJB member for me is that it brings together a wide range of public services to improve delivery of health and wellbeing for the community. The IJB provides a voice for all services, the community and interested parties shaping health and wellbeing priorities for care in East Ayrshire.
One of the most memorable achievements of the service would have to be during the Covid-19 pandemic, where community connections were used and enhanced to continue providing services and to keep the general public safe.
The IJB is important to keep the health and wellbeing focus on delivery of all services, to keep connections with patients and the wider community and to improve outcomes for their benefit.
Thanks for chatting with us Douglas!
Don’t miss next month’s ‘Introducing’ segment!