Pledge your support for Adult Support and Protection Day 2024
Help us raise awareness and commitment to knowing the signs of self-neglect and help support a person at risk.
We’re asking people who live and work in East Ayrshire to make a pledge to never commit, condone or remain silent about harm against any person, in all its forms.
By sharing this pledge online you will help us to raise awareness of the different types harm a person at risk might face, and what we all need to do to help keep them safe.
Help us reach a zero tolerance of harm for all citizens within East Ayrshire by sharing your pledge on your social media profile. You can use our suggested text and image.
Make your pledge:

Pledge text:
I am supporting East Ayrshire to protect adults at risk of harm.
I pledge to never commit, condone or remain silent about harm against any person, in all its forms.
Know the signs of self-neglect and how to help support a person at risk by visiting http://tinyurl.com/pa2w9h2z
Pledge image:

Facts about harm
Harm to adults often takes place in the home, but it can also happen where they work, in a public place or even somewhere you may consider safer such as in care homes or day centres.
Harm can happen to anyone, in the form of:
- financial harm
- physical harm
- psychological harm
- sexual harm
- or as a case of neglect or self-neglect
Harm is often caused by the people closest to a person.
Neglect and self-neglect
Neglect or self-neglect are more likely to be experienced by:
- an older person
- someone suffering with poor mental health
- someone struggling with an alcohol or drug problem
- someone with a history of personal trauma
It is important for us all to recognise, report and support adults who may be experiencing this form of harm, whatever the reason.

Know the signs
The following signs can help us identify and find support for a person who may be neglected or self-neglecting. It is important to be aware of these:
- dehydration and/or malnutrition
- inadequate self-care and personal hygiene
- lack of medical aids, such as hearing aids, glasses or dentures
- untreated medical conditions
- unclean living conditions such as animal/insect infestation
- unsafe living conditions such as improper wiring, no water or heating
- unkempt or untidy appearance
- avoidable pressure ulcers and sores
- isolated and out of sight
- delayed or denied access to medical care
- inappropriately dressed for weather conditions or the time of day
Reporting concerns
Don’t let someone suffer in silence. If you see something – say something!
If you have concerns about a person and think they may need support, visit the East Ayrshire Council website for advice on what to do and who to contact.
Further information can be found on the Act Against Harm website.