Introducing…Clare Maitland
Each month you can learn more about the people behind East Ayrshire Health and Social Care Partnership and its Integration Joint Board (IJB).
Find out more about staff and board members and what they enjoy most about their role!
This month we’re ‘Introducing’…
Councillor Clare Maitland, IJB Member
Read on to find out more about Clare and her role within our IJB!

As a Cabinet Councillor since 2017 I’d been on the IJB previously as a substitute. I now serve as a full member since changing my role last year. It is great to be back on ‘Board’ as the HSCP spokesperson for the East Ayrshire Council Administration.
My favourite part of being an IJB member is the scale of what it covers but this is also what I find most daunting. It is a privilege to read and listen to so many experts and professionals and to watch how all the different services feed into and inform each other, without ever losing sight of the fact that it is children, people and families at the heart of our services. This is where the ‘integration’ works so well and I can’t imagine how things worked before.
Anyone interested in learning more about the IJB can read the papers online. I especially like the Good News Stories.
Although some of the agenda and finance papers are at a strategic level they are accessible and well summarised.
I am proud of how our services operate together practically but also how they share knowledge and plan ahead, always striving for the best outcomes despite Covid and the cost of living crisis. People remain at the heart of everything we do.
Thanks for chatting with us Clare!
Don’t miss next month’s ‘Introducing’ segment!