Foster Care Fortnight 2024
Today marks the start of Foster Care Fortnight – the perfect opportunity to celebrate the love, care and support provided by foster carers to children and young people in East Ayrshire.
It’s also a chance to highlight the transformative power of fostering and how it enriches not only the lives of children and young people but the lives of the foster carers themselves.
This year’s theme is #FosteringMoments, where we celebrate the moments, big or small, that define fostering journeys.
Thinking of becoming a foster carer?
Here’s what some foster carers in East Ayrshire have to say about their journeys so far…
“We find it rewarding to see children grow in confidence, start to play and enjoy their childhood as they deserve.”
“You are in for a journey you will never forget. Don’t be afraid to ask for help. We are all here to help you.”
“It’s the most rewarding role ever [and] knowing that we’re helping kids at their most vulnerable time is the best feeling in the world.”

“Helping children to thrive and find themselves has got to be one of the most rewarding things ever.”
“The children we care for have come so far in believing in themselves. They are deserving of what other children can take for granted.”
“Do it! While it is challenging and hard work, it is the most rewarding and fulfilling thing we have done”.