Attendees at the recent Shortlees Social event, which took place in Shortlees Community Garden.

Shortlees Social brings local practitioners together


Practitioners in health, social care and education were invited to network and share ideas at the inaugural Shortlees Social event.

Hosted by East Ayrshire Vibrant Communities, What Matters To You and the EAHSCP HEART team, the event aimed to  strengthen community ties and foster collaboration among local practitioners.

Held in the Community Garden of Shortlees on Friday 21 June, the event was a significant step towards building and nurturing relationships across various sectors.

Bringing together colleagues from a variety of services, as well as East Ayrshire Health and Social Care Partnership, this diverse gathering aimed to encourage informal interactions in a relaxed setting.

The day was a true celebration of community spirit, with a BBQ, outdoor games and a friendly atmosphere. Attendees had the opportunity to unwind, engage in conversations and participate in activities which helped break down professional barriers.

By providing a space for practitioners to get to know each other outside their formal roles, the Shortlees Social helped build trust and understanding, both of which are essential for effective teamworking and service delivery.

The success of the inaugural Shortlees Social paves the way for future events which will further strengthen the network of professionals dedicated to serving the East Ayrshire community.

East Ayrshire Vibrant Communities, What Matters To You and our HEART team look forward to organising these events to ensure a more connected and supportive environment for all.

The Shortlees Social is testament to the power of community engagement and the positive impact it can have on local practitioners and the people who use their services.