Margaret McLean, elected members and others who attended the event

Suicide Prevention event shines a light on drug debt


An event focusing on suicide and its relationship with drug debt has provided a message of hope and resilience to people in East Ayrshire.

Organised by Margaret McLean, EAHSCP Suicide Prevention Lead, the event took place on Wednesday 11 September at Knockinlaw Community Garden and was attended by the local community, elected members, partnership employees and staff from a range of partner and recovery organisations. These included Ayrshire Samaritans, We Are With You, Harbour Ayrshire, Release Ayrshire and East Ayrshire Carers Centre.

Representatives of Knockinlaw Community Garden, Public Health Scotland and Police Scotland were also in attendance.

Opening the afternoon’s proceedings in a poignant speech, Margaret spoke of her late son Zak, who tragically took his life in 2017. Determined to honour his memory, she now campaigns for positive change and works to support individuals and families to prevent further suicide in East Ayrshire.

As well as the beautiful Knockinlaw Community Garden, Margaret recently set up the ‘Creating Hope Together’ suicide bereavement support group and continues to lead on our suicide prevention work since coming into post at East Ayrshire Health and Social Care Partnership.

Attendees then heard from a number of guest speakers, including Provost Jim Todd, who spoke of identifying the root causes of suicide and drug addiction to prevent further deaths:

There definitely is a link with drug debt and suicide. Every one of us has been touched by suicide and drug addiction issues and we need to keep talking about it. Communities are the key, and if all of our communities have an insight into the causes [of suicide and drug addiction] then maybe we can change things. There has to be a whole root and branch look at what causes suicide through drug addiction and drug debt.”

Other speakers included Sally Armor and Alice Sherwood from Public Health Scotland, Jane Reid from Ayrshire Samaritans, Paul Tomkinson from Police Scotland and Janet Thomson, who bravely shared her personal story and experiences.

Tea, coffee and burgers were then provided, along with an opportunity for attendees to find confidential support and advice.

Many thanks to Margaret McLean and to all who made this event one of such hope and bravery, filled with determination to change the narrative of suicide in East Ayrshire and beyond.


To find out more about Margaret’s ‘Creating Hope Together’ Suicide Bereavement Support Group, please email

If you’re struggling to cope and are feeling overwhelmed, remember that help is always available. Click on the link below for more information and links to support, right here on our Living Well website.

Suicide Prevention – Living Well East Ayrshire