Mental Health
When we picture a healthier lifestyle, many of us focus on our physical health, diet and exercise.
However, our mental health is just as important.
Good mental health improves our ability to cope with stress and makes us more resilient during tough times.
There are many steps you can take to support your mental health which will also boost your concentration levels, sleep and overall mood.
Having a proactive approach to your mental health can also help you make the most of your life and relationships.
Take a look at some of the advice and guidance available in our Living Well pages and start your own healthy mind regime!

Urgent mental health help: for urgent or out of hours mental health related concerns, when local services are not able to be contacted directly, please see NHS Inform: Get urgent mental health help: NHS inform
NHS national services will then be able to deal with your concern and direct you to the most appropriate national or local resources, all of which are available through NHS24.