Share your views in our Carers Strategy Consultation
Calling all carers!
Are you an unpaid carer living in East Ayrshire?
Do you care about carers?
Take part in our consultation and help us shape the future of support for carers!
Our Carers Strategy focuses on how we plan to support unpaid carers of all ages in East Ayrshire over the next three years, and we want YOU to help us get it right.
Our aim is to ensure carers are consulted and involved in the development of health and social care within East Ayrshire while we continue to respond to their changing needs.
Whether you’re an unpaid carer or simply care about support available to carers, we invite you to share your views in our consultation and help make our updated Carers Strategy the best it can be.
Access the survey page for more information and to get started!

Want to know more?
You can also take a look at our Draft Carers Strategy for a list of our key objectives and how we plan to achieve them.