Tag: community

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Children, families and hospital visitors enjoying games and activities outside East Ayrshire Community Hospital

Gala Day raises funds for hospital seating


A fantastic time was had by all at East Ayrshire Community Hospital’s Gala Day, which raised over £200.

Attendees at the recent Shortlees Social event, which took place in Shortlees Community Garden.

Shortlees Social brings local practitioners together


Practitioners in health, social care and education were invited to network and share ideas at the inaugural Shortlees Social event. […]

Attendees at our recent coffee morning at East Ayrshire Community Hospital

Coffee morning invites community to share their views


Visitors to East Ayrshire Community Hospital were invited for coffee, cake and a chat at our recent What Matters To […]

Staff and volunteers at Dalmellington Community Association

Community fund gives boost to wellbeing projects


Over the past few months our Stairlift Community Fund has supported a number of local organisations and projects in East […]

The Things Tae Dae Social Hub at the Cumnock event

Wellbeing For All voting events take place across East Ayrshire


Our Wellbeing for All voting events are all done and dusted for 2023 – and what a time we’ve had! […]

Wellbeing for All voting events banner

Wellbeing for All voting events now confirmed


In-person voting events have now been confirmed for our Wellbeing for All Participatory Budgeting Fund!

Attendees deep in discussion at our Cumnock Local Conversation event

Local Conversations get everyone talking


Our Local Conversations have now finished for 2023 – and what a success they were! The three community discussion events, […]

Attendees at our Kilmarnock Local Conversation event

East Ayrshire leads Local Conversation on wellbeing


Local residents and families have been invited to take part in a series of events to give their views on […]

Two cartoon people jumping for joy against a background of colourful blob shapes

Have your say at our community voting events


We’re delighted to announce that dates for our Wellbeing for All participatory budgeting events have now been confirmed! Five voting […]

a person placing a voting slip into a ballot box against a yellow background

Applications open for wellbeing projects fund


Are you part of a community group or organisation with a project that will provide wellbeing support to people in […]