Our Adult Support and Protection Committee signs the pledge

Help protect people from harm – join our online pledge


East Ayrshire’s Adult Support and Protection Committee has signed a pledge to never commit, condone or remain silent about harm against any person, in all its forms.

The committee met on Tuesday 20 February, this year’s Adult Support and Protection Day, launching the pledge with the aim of reaching a zero tolerance of harm for all citizens in East Ayrshire.

Throughout Scotland some adults are more at risk from all kinds of harm. This may be due to illness or a physical or mental health condition. Harm can be physical, psychological, financial or sexual, and can also mean neglect or self-neglect.

This is why we’re asking everyone who lives and works in East Ayrshire to join us in pledging their commitment to making our communities safe from harm. This will help raise awareness of the different types of harm a person might face and what we all need to do to help keep them safe.

Make your pledge

Help us reach a zero tolerance of harm for all citizens within East Ayrshire by sharing your pledge on your social media profile. You can use the following text and image:

I am supporting East Ayrshire to protect adults at risk of harm.

I pledge to never commit, condone or remain silent about harm against any person, in all its forms.

Learn about the signs of self-neglect and how to help support a person at risk, right here on our website:

Pledge your support for Adult Support and Protection Day 2024 – Living Well East Ayrshire